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In ODBK we point out that today, the art market plays a key role in the definition of the contemporary art world, and has a direct influence what future generations will recognize as the art of our current time.
We recognize that the current economic model of the contemporary art market is built over a manipulative and speculative system that should be changed in order to have an equal distribution of the income, attention and opportunities for all participants in the art world.Read More...
Posted in Texts
By David Hinojosa
Social mechanisms work as authomatic machines that allows our society and individuals function in a more or less structured and organized way obtaining what they need when they want.Social mechanisms can be used, copied or appropiated totally or partially to create art works / art projects.A mechanitist art work / art project can be inserted and exist or coexist in real environments of the society and not only restricted to exist in the boundaries of the art world.Read More...
Posted in Texts
By David Hinojosa