This is a participative installation composed by 200 drawings/collages created by artists and attendants of the exhibition. The installation will be take place at the Galería Libertad, Quéretaro, México from 4th of July until 11th of August. The concept behind this project is to question the idea of the institution as selector or filter of the artists and art. The artist as creator of art and also the idea of the market as institution to set up the prices of the works.
The dinamic of the work is to stick the drawings and collages on the Gallery wall making a big matrix until the number of 200 is reached. David Hinojosa will create composition(s) with the drawings/collages moving it from place and executing interventions. A board will be installed and the current price of the single priece will be displayed, recalculated on each work is installed on the matrix. The calculation is the average price value of the total prices set them up for each one of the participants.
Call for Artists! to participate in this project click here to know how