

UPDATE!! Stockartist Version 3 has been launched =>

Since the end of last year, I started to rebuild the next version of Stockartist, an art market simulator and artists stock exchange market. This is the 3rd Version and soon will be launched!!

Stockartist is an art market simulator and a visual artists stockmarket, created and developed by the new media artist and actvist DHAdmann The first version of Stockartist was launched in 2006, it tooks 18 months of development and the calculation of the shares and behavior was feed by robots taking information from different online sources. The second version of Stockartist was launched in 2009, after a parnership with the calculation of the shares was made taking the information of database of Artfacts. This new version have been launched in 2024, and the shares and the art market behavior is calculated by algorithms created by DHAdmann.If you want to know more about how the formulas of how the simulator works and the calculation of the artists shares. SOON!!