dhadmann medium

I received an email from Medium, actually, I don't remember from whom, but the title of the articles are so seductive and the format of the article is easy and quick to read then after visiting and register in the website I couldn't stop. The free version offers only three articles for free, but soon there was not enough, so I bought a subscription for one year. I read and read, and I found people who have their income writing articles. For me writing articles in an easy and quick format started with the blog of ODBK, now I decided to become in blogger also, and enjoying transmitting my knowledge in contemporary art to all. Now I created my blog in medium and publish my first article.. hope you enjoy it and send me your comments: https://dhadmann.medium.com/

What does it mean the “Democratization of art”?

The use and misuse of the term “Democratization of art” have created a lot of confusion between the participants of the art world, and the people who want to feel integrated and accepted in it. The lack of a formal definition has resulted in some individuals, institutions, and companies using the term as a slogan to touch the emotional fiber of their public in order to build an image of bringing justice to the art world, being fair, and selling products. The misunderstanding of this term has its origins in the history of the democratization of art. It dates all… Read more...